Math Update


Posted by gouinl | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 1, 2021

Hello Grade One and Grade Two Families,

During our Parent Teacher Interviews last week, many questions about math came up. Some resources that may help you support your child’s numeracy are as follows:

In the parent resources above, you can find updated counting expectations for grade 1 and two.
In our math tab you can find instructions to play the number game (counting practice), mental math strategy posters, games to practice doubles facts.
As well, I have posted a number of short math videos I made during our online teaching last spring to our Google Classroom. You are welcome to (re)view them for additional math support.

If you would like a one hundred chart for home practice, just let me know and I can send one home with your child.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need support!

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